On October 4th Diane Alire celebrated her fourth solo show at New Grounds Print Shop and Gallery! The evening was full of fun and excitement. Above stands Diane's sister and the artist herself in front of her art. After guests had an opportunity to take in the amazing new art produced, Diane gave a demonstration on her process to give people a better idea on how she creates her beautiful images. |
Visitors stand in New Grounds Gallery. |
New Grounds Rachel Allen Fellowship winner and pastel artist Nance McManus poses with Diane Alire in front of the New Grounds classroom. On the tables are even more works produced by Diane. |
New Grounds Artist Nick Hudack and his friend Kelly stopped by to see Diane's work. |
A visitor stands in the New Grounds' classroom and admires Diane's work that has been layed out on the tables. Art by other New Grounds' members and international artists hangs on the walls. |
New Grounds Artist Jacqui Lewnes (right) stands in front of her monotypes in the studio with a friend. |
Gallery Assitant Tanya Landin and Intern Carla Nielson stand in the Matrix gallery. In addition to Diane Alire's show the Pastel Soceity celebrated their opening as well. |
New Grounds Artists Jessica Weybright and Kathe Noe stand with one of the presses in the studio. |
The door opened at just the right time to blow my and Tayna's hair back for the picture! |
New Grounds Artist and St. Pius teacher Jorge Tristani stands in the classroom with some of his students. |
It was a wonderful and fun event celebrating Diane's fourth solo show! Her new works are exceptional and are up for viewing until the end of the month. Click the links below to watch videos of her demonstration.
Pictures and Blog by New Grounds Intern Kaitlin Reese.