This is a great time to see what the artist’s have been creating all year, and those years past! We had a good crowd for this opening and plenty of cream puffs to go around!

Bruce Childs and Mary Zaremba came to visit and to spread the holiday cheer!

Nick Hudak is one of New Grounds newest members who recently moved to Albuquerque from New York. He is enjoying learning the non-toxic etching method that we do here. Here is Tanya and Nick looking at Ray Maseman’s new batch of cards!

Ray Maseman is listening intently to what this woman is saying!

George Bair and his wife Mary came all the way from Kansas to be here for the “Perception” group show.

Shirley Levy and Mary
Here is his newest etching. This took him 200 hours to complete! It’s a beauty.

Laura Wacha made this awesome paper mache sculpture just for the holiday sale. It is called “Thirsty Dog”!

Thanks to all the volunteers that helped with this month’s reception and to Jeff Simpson for taking the photographs!