To host an event on January 1 seemed like a daring idea, but it proved to be another successful First Friday Artscrawl! We had some lovely pieces in the “New Members Show,” and since it was the last day of the Holiday Sale a lot of visitors snatched up some of the great pieces we were offering at some incredibly affordable prices.

Tanya and some of our volunteers could barely keep up with the check-out!

Visitors entering the gallery were greeted by an exuberant Jeff Simpson! Thanks for doing such a great job, Jeff!

Andrew Fabry

Deborah Weaver

Colleen Donohoe, our intern

Mike Rudahl

Donna Simmons

Aaron Marie
The new members continue to add to the diversity that New Grounds has become so well-known for. Where else can you have elegant relief prints next to rodeo scenes, delicate figurative drawings, bright abstract monotypes, quirky etchings, or gravures that combine fashion with anatomical renderings all in one room?

Thank you Anise for keeping everybody properly hydrated throughout the evening. Are you loosing weight, by any chance???

Thank you Bruce Childs and Jeff Simpson for recording this event – you are the best! Wait, were you snapping pictures of each other taking pictures of each other (oh, now my head hurts….). Well, this was a fun event and if you missed it, there are eleven more to come this year!